Melinda Kinzie

Melinda Kinzie has been a student of energy medicine and spirituality her whole life. She grew up in the mountains of Vermont and later lived in NYC for 20 years working as a recording and performance artist. With over 30 years of training in transformational work, she has most recently completed a rigorous 3 year study of Sound Healing & Shamanism with Zacciah Blackburn at the Center of Light, 2 years of Aura Soma Color Therapy training & is currently training with Anaiya Sophia in the Sacred Temple Arts of the Holy Sophia.
She is delighted to be working as a Sound Healer, Frequency Channel & Energy Medicine Practitioner in pure service to all of creation and facilitates workshops, classes, group & private sound healing sessions, children's programs & all manner of sacred business.
Nada Brahma ~ All Is Sound
"Melinda takes you on a journey... and brings you into your inner, deep freedom and light..."
Chessy Kelly, Yoga Instructor